My ideal client has been in business between 2-5 years and is not getting as far or as fast as they believe they should. They desire more profit, less stress, and more time freedom. They are challenged by management, systems, sales, marketing, and purpose. They feel they are stuck in the business and are not having as much fun as they thought they would be by now. They aren’t failing, they just have been blocked by many barriers that they either can’t see, or can see, and don’t know how to overcome them. They still dream and still hold tight the vision for the business, however they are feeling blocked and need a fresh perspective, or a 30,000 foot view to see the next direction. They understand that they are very much self- employed, meaning they have a job and are their own boss, but they also understand that they don’t necessarily have a business – a place that makes money and does not need the owner on the production line to do it. Does that sound like you? If yes, contact us today!
We are currently growing our Denver Elevate Mastermind group. We meet as a group every six weeks in addition to the one-on-one consulting option. If I can help grow your business, I will tell you. If I cannot, I will tell you that too. Contact us today to schedule a complimentary strategy session.
Please briefly explain what your biggest challenge in business is right now and what you hope to gain from the Elevate Mastermind:
The Elevate Mastermind is a 30-person group made up of entrepreneurs and small business owners particularly in the professional services industry. The group is categorized as a mastermind as well as a consulting service.
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